Sunday, January 15, 2006

Training a cat

More info about cats and kittens

Many people are under the mistaken impression that cats are arrogant, moody creatures that will ignore their owners' attempts to train them. They think that cats could obey and choose not to. Although cats do ignore commands because they don't feel like doing what their owners ask, sometimes they are not obeying because they simply do not understand. Training a cat generally takes a lot more time and patience than training a dog. Positive reinforcement works better than negative reinforcement with cats. If you punish them, they will just wait until you are not watching to misbehave, so it is better to simply ignore wrong responses and lavish praise on your cat when he responds correctly.You should start training your cat when he is about eight to ten weeks old. However, if you have an older cat, don't let that stop you. It may be a bit harder to teach him, but old cats can learn new tricks.

All info about cats and kittens

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