The other day I was watching a local news story on television about a woman that had 32 cats in her home. The cat photos in the story were very disturbing. I love cats and have two of my own. Cats are a wonderful addition to a home, but 32 of them! In the cat photos that accompanied the story the kitties were thin and some appeared deformed. These were definitely not cat photos that would be included in anyone’s collection.
Being a cat lover I personally have a large selection of cat photos. Some of the cat photos I have taken myself of my own furry friends, and others I have collected from various sources throughout the years. Cats seem to have a great effect on people.
You either love them or hate them. I have several friends that hate cats, so they go out of their way to find cat photos the depict cats in dangerous situations, or doing stupid things. Some of my husband’s favorite cat photos depict hundreds of cats in a variety of sizes sitting in a room. The captions on these cat photos were definitely written by a cat hater. In this collection of cat photos is one caption that reads “so many cats, so few recipes”.
The friend that sent the cat photos with that one included knows that I collect recipes so he thought this was extra humorous.
The information about cat photos presented here will do one of two things: either it will reinforce what you know about cat photos or it will teach you something new. Both are good outcomes.
Along with the funny cat photos I also have a wide variety of pictures of cats that are sweet and dignified. The great thing about cat photos is that cat lovers and haters both enjoy looking at them. As I was looking through several cat photos the other day I noticed that I had many that showed cats sleeping in a variety of positions and in a variety of places. I guess this is not surprising considering cats sleep about 20 hours out of every day. I thought it would be fun to make copies of the sleeping cat photos and spread them throughout the guest bedroom. Nothing looks more relaxed than a cat sleeping, so I thought these cat photos would lend to a good nights rest. I am still trying to convince my husband that this is a good idea.
This year I sent out holiday cards that included cat photos of our Siamese and long haired cat. I sent these greetings to the pets of our friends and signed our cat’s names. Several of our friends fear that I am tuning into a weird cat lady and that they will be seeing me on the news some day with cat photos of hundreds of cats in my home. They say it is a fine line between cat lover and weird cat lady.
It never hurts to be well-informed with the latest on cat photos. Compare what you've learned here to future articles so that you can stay alert to changes in the area of cat photos.
Some cat photos

And me Benjamin

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