Thursday, November 02, 2006

Caring For Your Cat's Health

My cat's dead the 11 october with cancer, and I'm staying with him until the end.

I miss Benjamin . But it will always remain in my heart

Just like humans, cats feel miserable when they are sick. As a pet owner, it is your primary responsibility to keep your feline friends healthy and happy.

With proper care and nutrition you will have a friend for life in the form of your pet cat.
Here are some tips on how you can properly care for your cat's health:

1. Feed them properly.
Every cat has a preference when it comes to food. There are several types of cat food available in the market. Try each one until you find out which variety your cat prefers.

However, you can still try to mix the variety of cat food you prepare so that your pet will have a nutritious and balanced diet.

Commercial cat foods have been well-researched so you do not need to worry about the nutritional value of what you are feeding your pet.

Also, supply your pet with a lot of clean water to drink. Having an ample supply of drinking water will lead to a healthier animal.

It does not matter if you serve dry, canned or moist cat food. Just make sure that you preserve the freshness of the food that they eat.

You would also want to opt for a healthy and natural cat food. Remember that it should be made of quality ingredients.

2. Remember that even domestic cats are natural hunters.
Mice can serve two purposes in your cat's life: prey and dinner. Hunting for mice would preserve their natural abilities to hunt and seek prey.

If you decide that you do not like the idea of your cat regularly "hunting" for dinner, make sure that you provide them with a proper diet. This will result to your cat ending up just chasing and running after their prey for satisfying their natural hunting urges.

3. Watch out for unusual behavior.
If your pet is exhibiting unusual behavior, then the cat might not be at its best condition.
Try to look out for the following symptoms:
- being lethargic or less active than usual- shedding of the fur or coat- it has waxy ears- looks poor and unhealthy
If you see these symptoms, you might want to change the food that you are serving your cat.
Better yet, consult a professional if you see your pet being less active than usual. Your pet might have a sickness or disease, and as a pet owner and cat lover, you would not want that to happen.

Benjamin memory's site.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Benjamin my baby is dead.

Yesterday Benjamin is dead with just 2 years.

I love my cat i'm very sad...

Friday, September 29, 2006

The Right Recipe for Teaching Tricks to Your Cat

Cats are very lovable animals. They make excellent pets. In fact, three out of ten households in the United States are known to have at least one cat as a pet. And because they love their cats so much, it was reported that the owners are willing to spend $104 on the average just for some expenses incurred with the veterinarian.

The question is: Are cats worth the trouble?

Some non-cat lovers probe the extravagance that cat lovers spend for their pets. They believe that expenses are not worth it if cats cannot learn tricks.

Indeed, cats may seem to project that impression of independence and sophistication, apparently having a mind of their own. They think that unlike dogs, cats seem so conceited that it they may not take commands easily. These assumptions were even made worse by people who said that they had attempted to train cats and everything was just a mess.

What these people do not know is that cats can be trained just like dogs. The only problem is that people tend to execute the process the wrong way. In turn, cats get confused, having the tricks all mixed up.

The truth is, it whether or not people want to train a cat, a dog, or any kind of animal. What matters most is that people should know what they want their pets to learn so that their pets will not be baffled.

The Right Recipe

In order to train cats, it is extremely important to learn patience and to give more time to the process. This is because cats, like dogs, are not humans who have the full intellect to grasp things easily and comprehensively.

Many experts contend that cats can respond well with “positive reinforcements.” However, most pet trainers assert that cats will respond more if there are foods used as rewards. The key is to have the treats ready when the cat is able to perform the required command.

Also, it would be better if cat owners would let their cats learn the tricks one at a time. And just like any training method, it is important for the trainer to be constant with his training methods so that the cat will not be confused.

In addition, it is best to let the cats learn the tricks at their own pace. Trainers or cat owners should never be pushy and want results in an instant. Patience is the number one attribute of a good trainer.

So, when teaching tricks to your cat, it is best that you have these three important characteristics: patience, time, and treats! No more, no less.

More info about cats see here

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Tips for Your Cat and Dog to Coexist

The phrase “fighting like cats and dogs” didn’t come up as someone’s idea of a joke just for cartoons (Tom and Jerry comes into mind). Dogs are often territorial and will fight not just new cats but other new dogs as well. They tend to mark their territory and will fight anyone who invades their space. Cats have the same tendencies and even if they are smaller than to dogs, they will scratch and fight for their territory.

Benjamin with his dog's brother Max

Most pet lovers who have both a cat and dog have a hard time making their pets coexist with each other. The usual response to this is separating the two pets and making sure they won’t meet. This is not really a practical solution to this problem as both pets tend to wander around the house and there will come a time when they will meet. This will also cause a lot of wasted time if you have to allot twice the time for playing with your pets. Another response would be to cage both pets but this method is frowned upon by most pet lovers. The best thing to do is to train both cat and dog to coexist peacefully. In this article is a series of steps to finding harmony between cats and dogs.

Perhaps the hardest thing for pet lovers to do is the introduction. Introducing a new pet requires both time and patience as both cats and dogs requires time to adjust to something new. Both cats and dogs take up to 30 days to adjust. It is even longer if you have older pet, but with proper retraining you can teach your old dogs and cat’s new tricks.

The first step is obedience. This is necessary especially for the dog which is usually the aggressor in this kind of situation. You have to train your dog to obey when you say “no”. This can be done by showing him some treat and every time he looks at it you say “no” you stop him from eating it. Do this every day and reward him every time he obeys.

While doing this with your dog, make sure the cat and dog are isolated from each other, allowing your cat to wander around the house. Cats love to roam and this will make her scent scattered in your home. After doing this, lock your cat in one room and let your dog wander around the house sniffing for the cat’s scent. This will make your dog acquainted to your cats smell and train the dog that the cat is part of the household.

Once you’ve done this for about a week, it’s time for them to see each other physically. This part requires that you have someone to help you. Have someone who can hold your cat safely and that knows how to react quickly and get your cat to safety if the dog is showing aggressiveness. Your part is to be able to restrain your dog and making sure that if he starts lunging for your cat, you’ll be there to stop him.

Dogs usually start barking whenever they see some other animals in their territory, hoping to scare them away. They won’t really lunge at something immediately. Once he starts barking, this is where the obedience part starts to come in. Say “no” and make him realize that the cat is also a pet.

If your dog starts to calm down when in the presence of the cat, then it’s the time to let him sniff the cat. Once your dog starts to decide not to bark at your cat you know that you’ve done the introduction part successfully.

The final step is making sure that both pets have the time to coexist. This part is usually the cat’s fault. Cats have the tendency to be aloof and stay away from the dog and other people. It’s not because they are afraid of the dog but more because it’s their nature to be alone. Be sure that your dog sees your cat as often as possible. You can allot some time nightly where you can do some activities with both your cat and dog.

This will allow them to play with each other and you’ll have the confidence that they won’t start fighting when they’re unsupervised.

Monday, July 31, 2006

Cat photos

The following paragraphs summarize the work of cat photos experts who are completely familiar with all the aspects of cat photos. Heed their advice to avoid any cat photos surprises.

The other day I was watching a local news story on television about a woman that had 32 cats in her home. The cat photos in the story were very disturbing. I love cats and have two of my own. Cats are a wonderful addition to a home, but 32 of them! In the cat photos that accompanied the story the kitties were thin and some appeared deformed. These were definitely not cat photos that would be included in anyone’s collection.

Being a cat lover I personally have a large selection of cat photos. Some of the cat photos I have taken myself of my own furry friends, and others I have collected from various sources throughout the years. Cats seem to have a great effect on people.

You either love them or hate them. I have several friends that hate cats, so they go out of their way to find cat photos the depict cats in dangerous situations, or doing stupid things. Some of my husband’s favorite cat photos depict hundreds of cats in a variety of sizes sitting in a room. The captions on these cat photos were definitely written by a cat hater. In this collection of cat photos is one caption that reads “so many cats, so few recipes”.

The friend that sent the cat photos with that one included knows that I collect recipes so he thought this was extra humorous.

The information about cat photos presented here will do one of two things: either it will reinforce what you know about cat photos or it will teach you something new. Both are good outcomes.

Along with the funny cat photos I also have a wide variety of pictures of cats that are sweet and dignified. The great thing about cat photos is that cat lovers and haters both enjoy looking at them. As I was looking through several cat photos the other day I noticed that I had many that showed cats sleeping in a variety of positions and in a variety of places. I guess this is not surprising considering cats sleep about 20 hours out of every day. I thought it would be fun to make copies of the sleeping cat photos and spread them throughout the guest bedroom. Nothing looks more relaxed than a cat sleeping, so I thought these cat photos would lend to a good nights rest. I am still trying to convince my husband that this is a good idea.

This year I sent out holiday cards that included cat photos of our Siamese and long haired cat. I sent these greetings to the pets of our friends and signed our cat’s names. Several of our friends fear that I am tuning into a weird cat lady and that they will be seeing me on the news some day with cat photos of hundreds of cats in my home. They say it is a fine line between cat lover and weird cat lady.

It never hurts to be well-informed with the latest on cat photos. Compare what you've learned here to future articles so that you can stay alert to changes in the area of cat photos.

Some cat photos
toilet training cat Cat photos "Training "
cat vaccination cat photos " kitten very cute"

And me Benjamin

cats picture playing and cat photos "Benjamin play"

Monday, June 05, 2006

How to Pet-Proof Your Holidays end

How about some kitty baubles or doggie toys on the lower branches instead? Or, do what we did when we had both pets and little ones. We put the tree and gifts into a playpen. That may not stop Kitty, but at least the tree can't fall down as easily when she climbs it.

Another oft-forgotten item: if you have a live tree in water, wrap the base so your pets can't decide to take a drink of that watere and kewp the birds away from tae tree.aMany modern live trees have been sprayed with chemicals that may be toxic to your little friends.

Be very, very careful about candles. Your cat or bird may be enticed by the flicker of the flame, and may singe his whiskers or worse. Place glass "hurricane lanterns" or other attractive covers over candles to protect your home and your pets.

Think ahead to New Years Eve, and plan how to keep your pets from becoming frightened by the traditional firecrackers and other noisy merriment. Some dogs may be severely traumatized by fireworks, be sure to leave them inside if you go out to celebrate.

Pets, especially cats, may be stressed by the changes in household routine during the holidays, especially if you are stressed yourself. Some cats and dogs respond to stress by becoming hyper or hysterical, and some simply retreat. Plan to spend some special time with your pets to calm yourself and reassure them during this period, and if your pet is especially upset with strangers visiting, prepare a "refuge" he can go to and escape the "maddening crowd."

more information about siameses cat

Thursday, June 01, 2006

How to Pet-Proof Your Holidays

How to Pet-Proof Your Holidays

The "end of the year" holidays can present some particular hazards to the health of your pet, and consequently to your peace of mind. Here are some ideas that have worked for us to make this time a happy one for all.

Make sure you check your vet's holiday hours and emergency contacts and have the information easily accessible.

Think before you decorate with plants. Cats, dogs and birds will all nibble household plants, and many, including mistletoe and some poinsettias, can make your pet very ill. Make sure your holiday greenery (and "red-ery") is out of your pet's reach.

The same is true if you have a Christmas tree. You should put only unbreakable decorations at the bottom of your tree, so there is no danger of your cat's batting a glass ball and breaking it, or the pup chewing your grandmother's antique bubble lights.

See you soon for the end ..

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Help Prevent Cat Hairballs

Help Prevent Cat Hairballs

Cats are fastidious animals. They like things clean and apparently one thing they like clean the most is themselves. Therefore they spend an excess amount of time just grooming. The act of licking themselves helps to untangle and remove loose hair. Their tongues are specifically made for the task. They are covered with little bumps and toward the center of the tongue is tiny barb-like bumps that act to snag the hair. Unfortunately, this habit of grooming can lead to the formation of hairballs.

Cats or kitten are unable to digest the hair they swallow. However, they are able to have the hair pass through the digestive system in small amounts. A problem is caused if the cat is most likely low on fiber, which renders it incapable of passing the hair. The hair builds up and forms a hairball. The hairball can develop either in the stomach or toward the back of the throat.

The distressed cat begins to cough and attempts to throw-up the hairball. For the loving cat owner, the gagging and retching is worrisome not to mention the annoying cleanup afterwards. While the occasional hairball is probably nothing to be too alarmed about, frequent hairballs could be a cause for concern. Constant hairballs can result in digestive track troubles such as loss of appetite and constipation.

You cannot eliminate your cat from swallowing all its loose hair. However, there are actions you can take and natural remedies along with commercial products that you can use. The best way is combing or brushing your cat to prevent swallowing as much hair as possible in the first place. Longhaired cats should be combed or brushed daily and shorthairs probably only require it once or twice a week.

If your cat needs more assistance with its hairballs, there are commercial products that can be applied to the top of its front paws. The cat will attempt to lick these off; which will aid in the hair passing through the digestive system. People have used other similar lubricants such as Crisco All Vegetable Shortening, mayonnaise or butter as a substitute to these store bought products. Yet be careful, because the use of these can cause other digestive problems. Then again, some people have used Vaseline though this also should be applied only occasionally. It is recommended that you check with your veterinarian on the use, frequency and amount of any of these products before administering them to your cat.

You may also feed your cat specially made cat food diets and treats that are intended to prevent the development of hairballs. Another interesting solution is to mix in about a teaspoon of canned pumpkin to your cat's normal food. One more method used as a preventive is to feed your cat grass a couple of times a week. You can grow the grass indoors. Rye, wheat or oat grasses are the best types to use and can be purchased at pet stores or on the Internet. Do not feed your cat grass from a chemically treated lawn.

Still, it must be noted that cats will throw-up for various reasons. Some of these may be from serious underlying conditions. Therefore before attempting any of these remedies, it is advised that you consult with your veterinarian to rule out any other illness and to see which, if any of these solutions should be tried. Along with your vet's help and one or more of these suggestions, it is possible that your cat will be able to live virtually hairball free.

I use these gloves, they're very cheap and my cats are very happy.


A Slip on Grooming Glove with an attached rubber facing and moderate length rubber teeth, this device is great for the cat lover who enjoys stroking (petting) your pet and gets the advantage of brushing out shedding hair at the same time.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Training Your Cat To Use The Toilet

Training Your Cat To Use The Toilet

toilet training cat

Cats and kittens are wonderful pets but cleaning the litter box can be a real drag. But what if you could train kitty to use the toilet? Instead of dealing with messy, smelly litter, you could eliminate your cats elimination with just one flush!

When training your cat to use the toilet, it's best if you have two toilets in the house. Using one just for the cat and one for yourself during the training period will make things much more convenient although you can train your cat with only 1 toilet.

For toilet training your cat you will need an aluminum tray that fits into the toilet as well as an aluminum tray as a replacement for his litter box. The idea is to get him used to the aluminum tray in the same spot his box is habitually in and then the tray in the toilet won't seem so foreign.

Keep the litter box in it's original spot but replace the box with the aluminum tray instead. Use the same litter and keep everything else the same.

Gradually move the litter box closer to the toilet. Don't move it too far each time and make sure your cat knows where it is by taking her over to it and scratching her paws in it. If your cat stops using the box, you are probably going to fast for her so slow down. Training a cat to use a litter box is a process that takes a long time so patience is key.

Once the cat is using the litter box next to the toilet, raise it an inch off the floor. make sure you use something that will keep the box stable and where the box will not slide off. Gradually, raise the box an inch higher until it is level with the toilet. As it gets higher the cat will have to jump up into it so it is critical that the box is stable, if it tips over this will scare your cat and she might not want to use it again.

At this point, you should have the tray ready in the toilet. You can use a cooking tray that is wide enough to fit the toilet. Put the tray in between that seat ring and the toilet base - make sure this holds it in place. Put some of the litter the cat is used to (make sure you use flushable litter) in the tray.

Leave the litter box level with the tray in the toilet for a couple of weeks, gradually taking away the litter in the box. Eventually, the cat should just jump up and use the tray on the toilet. Once this is happening regularly, take the litter box away.

The next step is to gradually reduce the amount of litter that is in the tray on the toilet. Also, make a little hole in the tray. Each day, reduce the litter more and make the hole a bit bigger. Do not move to fast on this or your cat might not feel comfortable using it. Eventually, you can remove the tray all together and your cat will be toilet trained!

Since your cat needs to balance on the toilet seat eventually, it is not recommended that you train cats that are too young. Wait until your cat is about 6 months old so that he is big enough to balance on the toilet seat. One important point that should be obvious is that once your cat starts using the toilet - you MUST leave the toilet lid open at all times - the cat can't open it himself!

Be patient as this training process can take several months, but when your cat is trained you will have eliminated the smell and mess of a litter box. Now the only problem you will have is remembering to knock next time you want to use the bathroom as your cat may be using the toilet!

That funny the cat on the photo is Panther, a toilet-using cat, photographed in San Francisco on 22 August 2005. He is ten years old and has been using the toilet since the age of six months. No need toilet training cat but if you want training your cat have a look at : CitiKitty Cat Toilet Training Kit

See you soon

Give me your feedback about training your cat or kitten

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Training a Shy Kittens

Training a Shy Kittens

Sometimes when you get a new kitten, they are shy or they shy away from human touch. Sometimes they want to hide in a secluded spot away from you. This behavior is not uncommon and should be dealt with to bring the kitten's behavior to be more interactive with humans. Here are some things you can do.

1. Place kittens in a small room with areas for them to hide blocked off or absent. They should be in the room by themselves with no other pets. Start them off in a cage with enough room for them to run around a bit. Put a box in the cage to allow them to go into if they need to a little security. The cage can be partly covered with a blanket or towel to help them feel safer. Using a pheromone spray like Feliway at one spray per day will help too - just do not spray it around the litter box.

2. Do not stare at the kittens. Staring is predatory behavior and will scare the kittens. When you look at them, make sure you blink a lot and turn your head often. Practice trying to touch the kitten after he has been in the cage a couple of days. If they are not receptive to your hand right away, try using something like a back scratcher to rub their fur. Attempt to move your hand down the back scratcher to get closer to the kitten as you try this. An advanced method called the Tellington Touch can be attempted also. This method is proven to help an animal feel more comfortable around humans.

3. Start spending more and more time in the room with the kittens. A kitten needs at least two hours per day of interaction time with you. One person should do this at first, probably for the first 5-7 days you have had the kitten. Then one or more other people can be added to help the kitten get used to being around more people. Use a toy in your hand to play with the kitten and get him used to being close to your hand. Move your hand closer to the kitten when you hold the toy until you can touch him. Giving the kitten a special food treat also helps them get used to you being close to them.

4. Play a radio softly on a station with only voices for a few hours a day to help them get used to people's voices.

5. After you can touch the kitten, start letting them out of the cage. You may take the litter box out of the cage now and put the litter box and food at opposite sides of the room. Spray the Feliway around the room now. Do not spray it near the litter box. Start playing with them by using toys they like such as newspaper balls and string toys. This play time will turn into them looking forward to your return to play more with them. Do not forget to touch occasionally and pet them during play time.

6. After a time, just sit in the room with the kittens and do what you want to - like read, watch TV or use your computer. This will help them get used to people that are not there just to pay attention to them. Then after a while, start to play with them. Try to bring in other people in the room with them more often and for at least 30 minutes at a time. The other people should try to play with the kittens and also try to pet them.

All these things will help a shy kitten come out of his shell. If you have a shy kitten and do nothing the kitten may hide all the time. Help them get used to humans and human interaction. Some will need this help more than others.

More info about kittens

I suggest you this ebook :

  • Adopt or buy the right kitten for you
  • Kitten-proof your home
  • Introduce kitty to children and other pets
  • Prevent and treat feline illnesses
  • Deal with behavioral issues
  • Rescue an orphaned kitten

Saturday, May 13, 2006

End of Persian kitten

First, give some thought on how this new addition will get along with any pets you already have. Then assess if you are able to take the time to groom this cat properly everyday.

The next issue might be the hardest thing to decide. That is narrowing down which of the seven types of Persians you like the most. However, once that is determined, you could even settle on the color you would prefer. After that, you may have a partiality for the specific sex of your cat. A significant issue to consider is if you intend on entering your cat in show competitions or if you are just looking for a companion. A show quality Persian kitten will generally cost more.

Depending on your personality and time constraints, do you want and are you able to raise a kitten? Then you will want to locate a reputable Kitten breeder.

This is an important matter because the better the breeder, the better your chance of acquiring a strong and healthy kitten. See if the kitten appears to be well taken care of and is being raised in clean surroundings.

Has a veterinary done a complete checkup for health problems and is it up-to-date with shots? Is the breeder aware of any genetic conditions that may run in this kitten's pedigree lineage? Remember to obtain a health contract or guarantee from the breeder.

A honest breeder will have no problem supplying you with one. Additionally, you will need the vaccination certificate. If the kitten is registered or you are planning to register it, you will need these papers from the breeder too.

See you soon.

more information about adopt kitten, persian kitten and much more
Click here

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

The Perfect Persian kitten

The exotic and majestic appearance of the Persian kitten captures the attention of cat lovers everywhere, making it one of the most desirable breeds of cats today. Their dense and lush long-haired coat, short legs and broad head with round eyes and flat muzzle faces are distinct physical traits that make them easily identifiable to just about everyone.

According to the Cat Fanciers' Association, there are seven main categories of Persians.

1. Himalayans

2. Solid Colors

3. Silver and Golden

4. Calico and Bicolor

5. Smoke and Shaded

6. Tabby

7. Particolor

Within these categories, there are many colors and variations. The many different kinds of Persians that are available permit anyone to choose the perfect companion. However, before running out and snatching up the first Persian you see, there are several factors for purchasing a Persian you ought to consider.

If you want to know more about persian cat I suggest you this book Persian Cat

This book is a great basic overview about persian cats. It addresses a bit of the history of the breed, health tips, grooming, common characteristics of the persian, and tips for selecting a cat.

See you soon to be followed .

more information about adopt kitten, persian kitten and much more
Click here

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Cat breed : The Angora cat

The Angora cat, as its name indicates, comes from Angora in Western Asia, the province that is celebrated for its goats with long hair of fine quality.

In fact, the hair under the Angora cat's body often resembles the finest of the Angora goatskins. Angora cats are favorites with the Turks and Armenians, and exist in many colors, especially since they have been more carefully bred.

They vary in form, color, and disposition, and also in the quality of their hair. The standard calls for a small head, with not too long a nose, large eyes that should harmonize in color with the fur, small, pointed ears with a tuft of hair at the apex, and a very full, fluffy mane around the neck.

This mane is known as the "lord mayor's chain." The body is longer than that of the ordinary cat in proportion to its size, and is extremely graceful, and covered with long, silky hair, which is crinkly like that of the Angora goat.

This hair should be as fine as possible, and not woolly. The legs are of a moderate length, but look short on account of the length of hair on the body. Little tufts of hair growing between the toes indicate high breeding.

The Angora cat, in good condition, is one of the most beautiful and elegant creatures in the world, and few can resist its charm. The tail is long and like an ostrich plume. It is usually carried, when the cat is in good spirits, straight up, with the end waving over toward one side. The tail of the Angora serves as a barometer of its bodily and mental condition.

If the cat is ill or frightened, the tail droops, and sometimes trails on the ground; but when she is in good spirits, playing about the house or grounds, it waves like a great plume, and is exceedingly handsome. The suppleness of the Angora's tail is also a mark of fine breeding. A highbred Angora will allow its tail to be doubled or twisted without apparent notice of the performance.

See you soon Cat breed free information

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Cat breed - Varieties of cats

Few people realize how many kinds of cats there are.
The fashionable world begins to discuss cats technically and understand their
various points of excellence.
The 'lord mayor's chain,' the 'Dutch rabbit markings,' and similar features are
understood by more cat fanciers than a few years ago; but, until within that time,
it is doubtful if the number of people who knew the difference between
the Angora and the Persian in this country amounted to a hundred.
It is but a few years since the craze for the Angora cat started.
These cats have been fashionable pets in England for some years back, and now America begins
to understand their value and the principles of breeding them.
Today, there are as handsome, well-bred animals in the United States as can be found abroad.
The demand for high-bred animals with a pedigree is greatly increasing,
and society people are beginning to understand the fine points of the thoroughbred. "

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

New cat breed A Norwegian Forest Cat

New cat breed A Norwegian Forest Cat

Norwegian Forest Cats are solidly built, with big bodies and long, powerful legs.

Many cat fanciers say the Norwegian reminds them of the Lynx, a wild cat with a similar appearance. This breed's graceful, furry tail is as long as its body and covered in long hair that gives it a elegant appearance.

The head of this cat is triangular and its brilliant green eyes have a slight slant. Overall, the breed looks very alert, instead of having a conventional placid appearance. This cat breed comes in a wide range of colors, including white and black.

You can find the Norwegian in self, tortoiseshell, smoke, tipped, tabby, and silver tabby patterns.
While the Norwegian Forest Cat's thick, long coat looks beautiful, you should be prepared to do a bit of grooming to keep it that way.

You will have to brush this cat's coat out onces a week or your cat may end up with a matted and tangled coat that will need to be shaved off. Since clipping a cat can be quite stressful for him, try to keep his coat free of tangles.

Benjamin your cat 's friend more cats pictures here

Friday, March 03, 2006

Cat breed - Ragdoll

All information you need about cat breed click here

Information about persian cat , ragdoll, and much more

Seee you soon


my site

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Cat litter

Cat litter

If your cat does not use the cat litter , do not scold him for his accidents. He will just become angry and frustrated. Instead, place the cat litter in the spot where he most frequently has accidents and encourage him to use it. Once your cat uses his cat litter a few times, he should continue to use it. If he stops using the cat litter , be sure it is clean. If the litter box is not dirty, he may have a health problem, so be sure to consult your veterinarian.

More info about cat litter

Friday, February 17, 2006

Main coon

All info about cat breed

The Maine Coon is known as a gentle giant, which is not surprising, since these lovely cats weigh in at anywhere from nine to twenty two pounds. The breed has a squarish face, a thick neck, large ears, big, rounded eyes, and a large, muscular body. The tail is long and quite bushy.

More info about Main coon and other cat breed clic here

Friday, January 27, 2006

Cats Collars

Cats Collars information

However, cats can learn to walk on a leash. In fact, there are collar, harnesses, and leashes designed just for cats.

Cat harnesses are designed to stay securely on a cat, even when the cat is on a leash. You can buy a simple nylon harness for your cat or you can find more deluxe models that look more like padded vests. As long as the harness is completely adjustable, it should work well.

To accustom your cat to walking on a leash, you should not use the same techniques you use to train your dog. Cats do not do well with negative correction, so giving a quick tug on the leash when they do not stay at your side will not teach them to heel. Instead, praise your cat when he does what you want and ignore him when he does the wrong thing. Although you can teach your cat to tolerate a leash, don't expect him to consistently heel on command.

More info about cats collars

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Persian cat

I'm not a Persian cat but i'm beautiful

It's me and my brothers Max and Victor. If you want more information about Persian cat

come in my site Persian cat .

Monday, January 23, 2006

The right cat breed

How to choose the right cat breed
The first thing you should consider is whether you will be able to handle having a vocal cat. Some cat breeds can actually be quite noisy.
The Scottish Fold, Somali, and the American Curl are considered to be very quiet cat breeds.
Some of the friendliest cat breeds are the Snowshoe, Abyssinian, Maine Coon, Ragdoll, Tonkinese, and the Himalayan Persian. Less sociable breeds are the Norwegian Forest Cat, the Nebelung, and the Russian Shorthair, persian cat .

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Cats Litter Boxes what you need to know

More information about cats and kittens

What you need to know

For most cat owners, one of the biggest drawbacks of owning a cat is the dreaded cat litter box.

Not many people like to clean litter boxes. They aren't just smelly. Litter can be quite dusty and people that change litter boxes are more vulnerable to some cat diseases that can be caught by humans than people that do not change their cats' litter boxes.

Luckily, there are several news littesr boxes designs that make the task of change cat litter much easier. One popular design is the hooded litter box.

These boxes provide privacy for more sensitive cats, but they also help keep down litter dust. The hooded box is ideal for a single cat, as long as the cat's owners can change the box frequently to keep it smelling clean and fresh. For people who don't want to handle the soiled litter, there are removable liners for these boxes. Simply lift out the whole liner filled with soiled litter and discard it. Lay down a new liner, add fresh cat litter, and replace the lid.

It is fairly easy to teach your kitten to use a litter box. The most important things for you to do are to position the litter box in the right place and to keep it extremely clean. Litter boxes should never be placed next to your cat's sleeping or eating spots, as cats do their best to keep these areas clean.

If your cat does not use the litter box, do not scold him for his accidents. He will just become angry and frustrated. Instead, place the box in the spot where he most frequently has accidents and encourage him to use it.

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Wednesday, January 18, 2006

A Persian Cat

More info about cats and kittens

Persian cat

The Persian's most well known characteristic is probably it's face. This breed has tiny, rounded ears, very round eyes that are set far apart, and a short nose that gives the cat's face a pushed in appearance. A large, muscular body, a short neck, stocky legs, and a short, bushy tail complete the cat's distinctive look. These cats weigh in at eight to fifteen pounds.

The Persian's beautiful coat comes in Black, Chocolate, Red, Blue, Lilac, Cream, Chinchilla, Silver, and White colors. White cats can have blue, orange, or mismatched eye colors.

You can also find this breed in tortoiseshell, shaded, smoke, tipped, tabby, silver tabby, and bicolor patterns.

While most Persians are usually fairly healthy cats, there are a few serious problems that are common to this breed. These cats are often prone to kidney disease, breathing problems that are the result of their compacted faces, and reproductive problems.

In addition, blue eyed white Persians are prone to deafness. If you are looking for a cat that is content to doze on the windowsills and enjoys an occasional petting, then the gentle Persian may just be the best cat for you and your family.

More about cat breed click here

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Cat Hairballs - What you need to do ?

More information about cats and kittens

Has your cat been coughing and hacking? He may have hairballs. If you see disgusting skinny oval blobs on the floor, you will know that your cat has managed to get out one of his hairballs.What exactly is a hairball? It is a mass of hair and food that did not digest that forms inside a cat's body. Loose hair that collects on his tongue when he grooms himself. The hair comes together and forms a ball in his stomach instead of simply passing through his body. These hairballs aren't able to break down and be digested, cats often cough them up to get rid of them. While most cats don't have a difficulty with dislodging hairballs, they can occasionally pass into a cat's intestines and cause a obstruction. This can be a life threatening problem. There are a few signs you should look for to find out if your cat's hairball is dangerous. If your cat seems to be constipated, he may be experience a small blockage. If he seems lethargic and his coat is dull and unhealthy looking, or he is eating less than usual, then he may have a serious blockage. Either way, you should take him to your veterinarian to be sure a hairball is the problem and to have it removed.It is much better to prevent hairballs than to treat them after they have formed. One of the easiest ways to maintain your cat from developing a hairball is to groom him frequently, especially if he has long hair. Thoroughly examine or brush his hair each day to remove excess hair. If you begin this routine when he is a kitten, he will actually look forward to being groomed. In fact, some cats will even bring their combs to their owners so that they can be groomed. If your cat doesn't care for brushes and combs, try a grooming glove, as an alternative.If your cat still seems to form occasional hairballs, there are several dietary aids that you can try. One of these aids is dry cat food that was developed to help prevent hairballs. Don't just buy the first bag of hairball formula cat food you see. Be sure that it is high in protein and other nutrients, as well. If your cat already has a hairball, you may want to shop for a gel that can be added to his food that will help the hairball pass through his body. This gel is actually a lubricant. Talk to your veterinarian before using one of these hairball remedy for a long period of time, as they can end up removing important vitamins and minerals along with hairballs.Finally, some people have their own remedies and recipes for removing hairballs. Before using folk remedies to care for your cat, please consult with your veterinarian to be sure you aren't unintentionally causing harm to some other part of your cat's body. A few common folk remedies are butter, mineral oil, and pumpkin.

Cats and kittens, furniture, cat bed and much more

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Training a cat

More info about cats and kittens

Many people are under the mistaken impression that cats are arrogant, moody creatures that will ignore their owners' attempts to train them. They think that cats could obey and choose not to. Although cats do ignore commands because they don't feel like doing what their owners ask, sometimes they are not obeying because they simply do not understand. Training a cat generally takes a lot more time and patience than training a dog. Positive reinforcement works better than negative reinforcement with cats. If you punish them, they will just wait until you are not watching to misbehave, so it is better to simply ignore wrong responses and lavish praise on your cat when he responds correctly.You should start training your cat when he is about eight to ten weeks old. However, if you have an older cat, don't let that stop you. It may be a bit harder to teach him, but old cats can learn new tricks.

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Friday, January 13, 2006

Cat Growth Stages

More information about cats and kittens

When a kitten is born, it is hard to believe that one of these helpless little pink things will become a graceful and powerful hunter. However, within a year, that tiny kitten will be a mature cat. Since kittens are born blind and are completely dependent on their mothers, it is no surprise that their first stage involves little more than eating and growing. However, once your kitten's eyes open, he will begin to explore the world around him. By the time he is four weeks old, he will be romping shakily about with his siblings. He can begin to learn to use the litter box and should start to become socialized. In the wild, a kitten's mother will start to supplement his diet with dead mice or other small prey. You may prefer to give him some soft kitten food or some dry food softened in water. By the time your kitten is six to eight weeks old, he is ready to begin exploring a bit further from home. If he is indoors, he will venture into other rooms, while a feral kitten will begin to follow his mother when she goes to hang out with the rest of the local cat colony. While the kitten's mother may still bring him mice, they are no longer already dead. The kitten begins to develop his hunting abilities. Eight week old kittens are usually completely weaned and ready to go to a new home.

About cats and kittens

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Cat Vaccinations

One of the most important things you can do for your cat
is to be sure its health is protected.
Cat vaccinations can protect your cat from many
common cat ailments. You should begin vaccinating your
kitten when he is six to eight weeks old. Before this time,
his mother's antibodies have been protecting him from
many of the diseases that vaccinations protect against.
However, now that he is weaned, he will need to develop
his own antibodies.
On your kitten's first veterinarian visit, your veterinarian
will give him a physical examination. He should also complete a
fecal exam to be sure your kitten doesn't have worms.
Before your veterinarian vaccinates your kitten, he should
do a blood test to be sure the kitten is not already infected
with Feline Leukemia. He may also test for Feline Infectious Peritonitis.
The tests do not take long. Your veterinarian will have preliminary
results in minutes.
If your kitten is not already infected with one of these diseases,
your veterinarian will give your kitten his first Feline Leukemia and
FIP vaccines if he is at risk for these diseases. An only cat who
never leaves his home may not need these two vaccines and your
veterinarian may recommend against giving them.

How to choose the right cat breed ?

How to Choose the Right Cat Breed ?

The first thing you should consider is whether you will be able to handle having a vocal cat. Some cat breeds can actually be quite noisy. While many cat owners do not have a problem with these vocal breeds, as they realize their cats are just communicating with them, a loud cat can be a problem in an apartment situation. Breeds that are very vocal are the Siamese Cat, the Korat, and the Burmese. The Scottish Fold, Somali, and the American Curl are considered to be very quiet cat breeds.Next, you will want to think about whether you want a cat who is cuddly or if a more aloof breed is right for you. If you do not have a lot of free time, a cuddly cat who loves attention may be the wrong choice. However, affectionate cats are usually better with children than more reserved breeds. Some of the friendliest cat breeds are the Snowshoe, Abyssinian, Maine Coon, Ragdoll, Tonkinese, and the Himalayan Persian. Less sociable breeds are the Norwegian Forest Cat, the Nebelung, and the Russian Shorthair.

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Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Buying a cat are your ready ?

Cats and kittens info

Buying a cat are your ready ?

So,you've decided that you want to have a pet cat. However, before you shop for your kitten, you may need to consider a few important things. After all, finding out that a cat is not for you after you've already grown attached can be heart breaking. The main reason that people have to find their cats new homes is that they are allergic to cats. If you've never spent much time around cats, be sure you can spend a few hours in a home with cats without developing an allergy attack. Also, check with friends and family to be sure none of them are highly allergic.

More info about cats and kittens

Cats and kittens

All info you need about cats and kittens